Sweet Brissie life


My first field work!




Finally I visited our field experiment site... surrounded by plenty of sugarcane! Well, it was quite a work flying to north by a flight at 6am and back to Brisbane by one at 11pm.



Fixing the GHG measurement system let me understand the system much clearer. If we didn’t have these issues, I wouldn’t have learned this much... though it was definitely hard work.



In the end, the shower flooded the entire field again... we got serious problems too, but I’m quite optimistic that we have got lessons to be considered for further investigation.


Getting to know the field experiments itself was of course a very important achievement, but I am really happy to know more about my colleagues... their attitude on research, our team, and their personalities (over nice free meals haha). It was such a nice opportunity to talk various topics with them over these three days. And I believe they hopefully understood me as much as I could know about them. Yeah I’m pretty optimistic thanks to my nice colleagues at least so far.

Urban Gymnastics、君に決めた!




Urban gymnastics





そんなUrban Gymnastics、遅れてしまったのもあり今日参加したのはわずか1時間。その中でサーキット補強はほんの15分だというのに、がっつり疲弊した。練習終了後30分ガチで動けなかったし、貧血のような吐き気を催すような感じは運動では初めてだった。体力の著しい低下を感じる....








Foods $31





サルサソーシャルとかパーティー・クラブもありだけど毎週行くほどでもないから今日はひとりでのんびりすることに。でも昼寝して午後のLanguage Exchangeのイベント逃したのは失敗だった...。また来週リベンジしてみるかな、スペイン語話す人いたらいいな。


You Tubeでフランス語のIntroductoryを勉強し始めたりした。日に15分くらいは続けられるかな?






それにしてもさすがSaturday Night、いつも以上に賑わっている。それでもやはり、時々はこうして一人で作業に没頭する時間があってもよいね。




QUT (Gardens Point)には学生食堂らしい食堂はなく、小さなフードコートがあるという感じ。

その他のカフェなども含めたラインナップとしては、メキシカン、フルーツジュース、Sushi Roll(寿司ではない)、中華、サンドイッチ、ケバブハンバーガーなど、、、こうして書いてみるとそこそこバリエーションありそうだが、一週間ちょいで一周できてしまうので割とすぐ飽きる。


アボカドサーモンはともかく甘醤油唐揚げ、牛すき焼きというSushi Roll。米もネタも...これに限らず、安いの存在しないのは分かったからせめて値段に見合うクオリティにしてほしいです(切実)。



Paradizo Bachata



Foods $40




07:00 - 09:00 起床 (シャワー、朝食、通勤)

09:00 - 18:00 就業 (昼食、カフェ、昼寝など含む)

18:00 -  22:30 諸活動 (交流、サルサ、体操、映画、買い物、料理など)

22:30 - 24:00 補完作業 (東大関連、調べもの、書きもの、プログラミング、読書、クラブなど)

24:00 - 07:00 就寝





今日はAPSIM Ibagué はお預けにして、明日のミーティングのためにSugar Reviewを少し追加でやることに。さてさて明日はどうなることやら。





Going to the bank again... always I don’t like their customer service very much. “Elite” people in banks would not be very hospitable I guess since it would not be their strongpoint or the core of evaluation either.


○Using Lime for the first time! $1.8


No concessions so a bit pricy but still convenient to fill gaps in public transports.



○Going home with Raji

Car... private or dealer second hand, I should expect $6-7000.


He’s married and the majority of the group too!


Part-time jobs in QUT up to 10h/w, $34/h for analysing jobs (or tutoring)!

Apparently our bosses don’t like members working outside of the uni... if i do, i should do it secretly. On the other hand, those uni-jobs are quite easy to get. That also means I wouldn’t be able to talk about agri-business things. I have to pretend to be dedicated only on the research.

Well, anyway I wouldn’t have much spare time for a while, just getting information for now.



McDonald again... $10



○YMCA Bowen Hills

f:id:tkd708:20190227194206j:image  f:id:tkd708:20190227191804j:image

Not that large but still enough to casually practice the floor and others.


I feel little bad on my attitude... I have experiences but shouldn’t have behave like “I do on my own.” If it were a gym in Japan, people wouldn’t feel very good to the stranger. Maybe they didn’t care much, who knows, but I am an Asian foreigner and less likely to interest or attract them. Anyway it’s still the beginning, building relationships would just take time.



○Paradizo Bachata

Poco a poco mejorando! Me preguntó por qué no fui a Jade Buddha en el domingo pasado... en realidad solamente estuve poco cansado pero dije porque tuve un visitante de Japón (es real pero en el sábado). Hmm no es bien hacer excusas... es mejor ser honesto conmigo y no pretender.




昼も晩御飯も軽かったから、少しフルーツとヌテラとパンを食べようと食材持ってキッチンへ。部屋に戻ろうとした時に...鍵を中に忘れたことに気づく。あまりに時すでに遅し。窓は開けてたものの格子付き網戸はがっちりしていて開けられず、侵入ポイントはなし。その点セキュリティは以前よりしっかりしてるわけだけど....。管理人に連絡すると遅くにもかかわらずすぐさま返信が、ありがたい!と思うのも束の間でサービス料$80を要求してくるのはどう考えてもこれが時々生じて彼のポケットマネーになっていることを容易に想像させる。流石に夜通し待機は無理だし他のサービス(Lock Smith)もそれなりなので頼んだ。手痛すぎる出費である。





Found a gym! :)

Working quite hard! Completing more inductions and proceeding with literature reviews.

9:00-18:00 ± 1h would be a good rhythm (well it's very natural and I should have done it in the past too).

Until the proposal submission, I would make 3-5 reviewing as my daily routine at work... let's see how long I could keep it.


Lunch at Uni...$9

Everyone brings their own but I don't have time to prepare a lunchbox :(


Gym trial! $20 (Membership/Package of 12 classes would cost $225... hmm)

f:id:tkd708:20190225232042j:image f:id:tkd708:20190225232053j:image

Finally I found one, the facility was very nice, not crowded at all, but just far and expensive...

Hopefully, the YMCA one nearby Bowen hill station would have a similar facility and reasonable price.

Anyway, it was pretty nice to do gymnastics... I'd love to do it regularly here too though I should really be careful not to get injured. Btw, I have to take insurance additionally for gymnastics here. Maybe I could make friends in gyms too.


Foods $6.5

Seven Eleven is quite expensive compared to supermarket :(


Pues, me estoy quejando del precio a menudo... no me gustaría hacer así. No quiero preocupar mucho sobre el presupuesto. Tengo que trabajar de medio tiempo después... una vez que me acostumbre el ritmo de mi vida aquí.


Sin embargo, hay una cosa que me gustaría quejarme... la gente arriba está bastante ruidosa! Me gustan alterne con la gente nueva y participar en fiestas, pero no como así solamente hacer ruidos :(



Green Book





Working on APSIM for Ibagué... これからこっちの仕事は時間外業務😇


Watching “Green Book” $6




Guzman y Gómez, Cali burrito $10...de Cali en realidad? lol



結局 Jade Buddhaのサルサは断念。知人来れないみたいだし時間が短いのを言い訳にしてしまった。そして分析済ませちゃいたかった。しかし知り合い居ないしってのでビビったのもある。まぁ焦らずいこう。





***Reflection on Green Book***


It was great. Particularly for me, feeling a little isolated and lonely at the moment. I wouldn’t say I was desctiminated, but feel being looked down at. I need someone like Tony, I guess, who doesn’t judge me by apparence but by personality... well, I just remembered that he was also biased and descriminating at the brginning. He changed his mind during the journey by spending time with Shirley. Just like that, it takes time or needs shared experiences to build relationships. Maybe I’m in hurry but it’s not necessary, I should just join gatherings and show myself gradually... no need to worry.


By the way, Shirley seemed to be welcomed and applauded at any concerts, but quite often treated badly... like at restaurant or at guest room. People admitted him as a pianist but not as a person to socialise due to discrimination. That’s really sad and unacceptable obviously, but milder cases happen in real life too. Maybe not discrimination at least in public, but less approachable, or just not interested. Anyway I still feel gaps between me and Aussies, or possibly westerners... larger than Asian people. I don’t know what I’m talking about, but somehow I casted my situation and feeling on the film. I hope mine would gradually change too.


In the end, I liked the setting of the film... the concert tour around the US! Not much description but still beautiful and adventurous. Reminding me of Motorcycle dailies...anyway, that feeling made me decide to study here, to go abroad and to see other worlds!