Sweet Brissie life










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Big Wやるじゃん。







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安くて早くてそこそこのうまさ!良いところを見つけたな。店内綺麗で店員さんフレンドリーだし。これまた今更ながら、スーパーでもなんでも、客にHow are you? How's it going?て聞くし客も簡単な会話するものなのな。返さなかったり短すぎすると、無愛想に映るかも。あとようやく慣れたのはレストラン/カフェでのDine in or Take away?の表現、最初何聞かれてるのか分からなかったし、Here.とだけ答えたり。


Alita Battle Angel 9$

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Alita! I much enjoyed the action! Full of cool acrobatics haha

It’s not a complicated story or surprising plot at all, but somehow I was attracted by its worldview or ideas... such as devided worlds and the frontier of human... well I know it’s not particularly new. 


There were people desperate to go to the other side but also people staying in the lower world as rulers in the film... reminds me of 鶏口牛後. You always have to choose an environment where you put yourself in... and I have been thinking that it’s better to be the top even in the lower hierarchy rather than the bottom of the higher, at least for career (not saying I’m the top in the current one, just a direction of choice). Or 下克上 sounds more lovely? At the same time, I’m quite often up for new environments, regardless of the hierarchy. Maybe 隣の芝生は青い... Anyway, either micro or macro, there are many worlds in our real life and we can of course stay in one but don’t have to be stuck in one. Again and again, I definitely feel differently on this topic from when I was in the club of the Uni.


Also, the border of human and robot was really narrow is the film... it not rare at all in SF films for a while and even the real world is gradually getting close to that. The day would come in the near future, when the difference is only natural or artificial and nothing practical is different between human and robot... then how would our life change? How would I feel and act? Maybe only the perception and recognition matter in that case. And indeed, similar thing is happening in plastic surgery.


Oh I’ve forgotten the last one, forgetting the past and living in a new life. This is what I have thought in many situations... like sports training, studying abroad, and so on. Your own characteristics are developed through your own experiences. Then what if you forgot the past and refreshed the memory? Or what about fake-experience... like dreams? I’m still curious if I could overcome my complexes or change my mentality by dreaming. Maybe watching films or reading books and falling into its world and story is a similar way.


英語日記、つらつら書きたいことは出てくるけど、覚えたい表現を意識して使ってるわけでもない。まぁそうしなくてもそれなりに出てくるというのは一定のレベルの証だけれど、それで済まさず一段階上がるためには、出てきたものをproof readしてもらったり、代替表現を知ったりする必要があるんだなぁ。アカデミックにはサービスが色々あるけど、もっと普段のシチュエーション別には人付き合いしかないのか。あるいは言語交換アプリとか。