Sweet Brissie life




Going to the bank again... always I don’t like their customer service very much. “Elite” people in banks would not be very hospitable I guess since it would not be their strongpoint or the core of evaluation either.


○Using Lime for the first time! $1.8


No concessions so a bit pricy but still convenient to fill gaps in public transports.



○Going home with Raji

Car... private or dealer second hand, I should expect $6-7000.


He’s married and the majority of the group too!


Part-time jobs in QUT up to 10h/w, $34/h for analysing jobs (or tutoring)!

Apparently our bosses don’t like members working outside of the uni... if i do, i should do it secretly. On the other hand, those uni-jobs are quite easy to get. That also means I wouldn’t be able to talk about agri-business things. I have to pretend to be dedicated only on the research.

Well, anyway I wouldn’t have much spare time for a while, just getting information for now.



McDonald again... $10



○YMCA Bowen Hills

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Not that large but still enough to casually practice the floor and others.


I feel little bad on my attitude... I have experiences but shouldn’t have behave like “I do on my own.” If it were a gym in Japan, people wouldn’t feel very good to the stranger. Maybe they didn’t care much, who knows, but I am an Asian foreigner and less likely to interest or attract them. Anyway it’s still the beginning, building relationships would just take time.



○Paradizo Bachata

Poco a poco mejorando! Me preguntó por qué no fui a Jade Buddha en el domingo pasado... en realidad solamente estuve poco cansado pero dije porque tuve un visitante de Japón (es real pero en el sábado). Hmm no es bien hacer excusas... es mejor ser honesto conmigo y no pretender.




昼も晩御飯も軽かったから、少しフルーツとヌテラとパンを食べようと食材持ってキッチンへ。部屋に戻ろうとした時に...鍵を中に忘れたことに気づく。あまりに時すでに遅し。窓は開けてたものの格子付き網戸はがっちりしていて開けられず、侵入ポイントはなし。その点セキュリティは以前よりしっかりしてるわけだけど....。管理人に連絡すると遅くにもかかわらずすぐさま返信が、ありがたい!と思うのも束の間でサービス料$80を要求してくるのはどう考えてもこれが時々生じて彼のポケットマネーになっていることを容易に想像させる。流石に夜通し待機は無理だし他のサービス(Lock Smith)もそれなりなので頼んだ。手痛すぎる出費である。


